Industrial trade fairs in Krakow start on 16 October! Take part in SYMAS®, MAINTENANCE and KOMPOZYT-EXPO®


In just a few days Krakow will become the centre of industrial innovation! 15th edition of International Trade Fair for Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies SYMAS® and International Trade Fair for Suppliers of Maintenance Products and Services MAINTENANCE and 13th International Trade Fair for Composite Materials, Technologies and Products KOMPOZYT-EXPO® will be on 16-17 October 2024 at EXPO Krakow.



The trade fair for the maintenance and processing of bulk and solid materials is growing in interest year on year. More than 150 exhibitors will present new products on stands, in the live demonstration zone and during lectures on stage.

In cooperation with the Krakow Technology Park, there will be an innovation zone where 6 start-ups will present innovative Industry 4.0. solutions for production and maintenance.

Maintenance practitioners are invited to attend the 3-day conference - Autumn School of Maintenance. During lectures and workshops, experts from Kellanova, Ovetill Investments, Viessmann and Bahlsen, among others, will present case studies. Participants will learn a new dimension of maintenance during practical workshops on the use of artificial intelligence or digital twins.




Poland's only trade fair for composite materials, technologies and products is a key meeting place for industry representatives from around the world.

One of the highlights of the programme will be the final gala of the international AMULET project. During the fair, there will be no shortage of presentations of novelties and live demonstrations, which are the most popular. Visitors will be able to learn, among other things: about the use of composite materials in 3D printing technology or the use of UV in the curing of composites.

Traditionally in the Science for Industry Zone, research centres will be presenting opportunities for R&D cooperation.

The main topic of the expert debate will be collaboration as the key to building resilient supply chains in the advanced composites sector. Participants will include Professor Lothar Kroll from Chemnitz University of Technology, Tjark von Reden, CEO of Composites United e.V, Tomasz Salomon from the Ministry of Development and Technology and Dr Andrzej Czulak, leader of the Polish Composite Technology Cluster.


See you in Krakow!

Participation in the fair is free of charge after prior online registration. One ticket entitles you to enter all events.

Register for KOMPOZYT-EXPO®